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Louise Sommer
2 days ago7 min read
The Cathar Women: Guardians of a Lost Narrative, Keepers of the Flame
Some stories refuse to be buried. Some truths, no matter how fiercely suppressed, find their way back into the light just like the Cathars

Louise Sommer
Feb 15 min read
Unlocking Your Own Sacred Narrative: The Secret Teachings of the Cathar Women
Though history has tried to silence them, the Cathar women left behind something indestructible: a way of being, a way of knowing, and ...

Louise Sommer
Jan 264 min read
From Art to Action: How Culture Shapes the Way We Communicate
Culture is a powerful lens through which we view the world. It shapes our language, values, even how we communicate and understand others.

Louise Sommer
Jan 206 min read
Culture: A Living Narrative of Collective Memory
When I speak about culture, I refer to this collective experience that defines, influences, and enriches us all. We are not isolated beings.

Louise Sommer
Dec 12, 20245 min read
Before Santa and Saints, were the Female Reindeer and the Wise Women of Winter
Long before Christianity reshaped the narrative of winter, there were the original stories filled with the power of women, nature & wisdom.

Louise Sommer
Nov 28, 20246 min read
Saving the Grail Legend; A story about Creativity, Power and Culture
From European medieval times to the captivating adventures of Indiana Jones, the Grail has remained alive in our hearts and imaginations.

Louise Sommer
Nov 14, 20245 min read
Lessons from Julie and Julia on Creativity, Blogging, and Authentic Living
The movie 'Julie & Julia' offers a delightful exploration of the birth of blogging and the parallel creative stories of two passionate women

Louise Sommer
Oct 11, 20245 min read
Cultural Heritage Preservation: A Reflection
'The Hidden Camino' exemplifies the transformative power of engaging with ancestral heritage, highlighting the significance of untold story.

Louise Sommer
Oct 4, 20245 min read
The Hidden Camino: Unraveling the Mystique of Cultural Symbolism
The Hidden Camino, delves deeply into the symbolism of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, offering a unique perspective on how these symbols

Louise Sommer
Sep 13, 20246 min read
Cultural Storytelling: Weaving the Fabric of Identity
The stories we tell about ourselves and our cultures are powerful tools for shaping our identities. By understanding these narratives, we ..

Louise Sommer
Aug 8, 20245 min read
Embracing Life's Journey: How Living Fully Fuels Creativity and Authenticity
When we embrace life's journey with open hearts and minds, our creativity flourishes.

Louise Sommer
Jul 25, 20244 min read
YouTube Playlist: Exploring Creativity, Culture, and Psychology
Imagine being guided by the wisdom of Elizabeth Gilbert, Brene Brown and Sir Ken Robinson as they demystifies the concept of creativity and

Louise Sommer
Jun 27, 20244 min read
Embracing Cultural Storytelling Through Film and TV
Embarking on a journey of cultural storytelling, creativity, and self-discovery is not just limited to books and personal reflection.

Louise Sommer
Jun 13, 20244 min read
The Timeless Allure of the Grail: A Spiritual and Psychological Perspective
The legend of the Holy Grail, much like the adventures of Indiana Jones, continues to captivate our imaginations.

Louise Sommer
Jun 5, 20244 min read
Let's Talk about Art: Creativity, Cultural Heritage, and the Expression of Life
Creativity, rooted in cultural heritage, allows us to explore, understand, and celebrate the complexities of life transcending time and ...
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