Louise Sommer

4 min

From herstory to the Sacred Feminine

Updated: Jan 28

After having researched women’s social positioning in history, since the mid 1990’s, I feel like reflecting upon the meaning and evolution of the herstory movement.

Let me first give you a quick insight into the meaning of herstory. According to the Cambridge Dictionary herstory is defined as:

“History written from the point of view of women, and giving importance to their experiences and activities.”

And the Oxford Dictionary defines herstory this way:

“Feminist history, or history viewed from a female or feminine perspective.”

I will come back to these two definitions shortly.

Today, herstory is a terminology that is widely used by anyone interested in bringing women back to their rightful place in history. However, the way I work with, and use, herstory is so much more complex than the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries.

To me herstory both embraces and refers to this: the approved mainstream history has, up until the recent herstorymovement, only been told with an obvious male bias where they deliberately ignored, misinterpreted and excluded women from history. This is why the mainstream history is viewed by many as His Story. Both definitions from the Cambridge and Oxford dictionaries support this point of view, as they both devalue women’s equal and includedpresence in history.

This dominant and unbalanced approach to ‘the narrative, of where we come from and who we are’, has created a deep and negative impact that is still very active in our society today. And don’t get me wrong; look at the statistics. Men are also suffering from this negative impact.

As an Educational Psychologist, specialised in complicated trauma and grief, I have seen endless examples of how this negative balance has helped shape our society in areas such as: gender inequality, intelligence, leadership roles, spiritual authority, lack of equal pay, the need for the MeToo movement to the infamous ‘boys club’.

As such, herstory is, in my opinion, a modern global movement. On reclaiming the right to explore our stories and cultural heritage, we are also taking back our voices. And when taking back our voices we will be able to embrace much deeper and complex tales of belonging, connection and identity.

So, if you are going to remember two things from this article it’s this: herstory is a modern movement towards taking back women’s rightful social heritage, and it is a voice. It is your voice, and it is my voice. It is the voice of our ancient tribal matriarchs and the wise old crones. It’s the voice of female artists, shamans, inventors and the women’s Suffragettes who sacrificed so much to create a better world for all women.

Photo 1: From my book 'The Hidden Camino' © Louise Sommer. Photo 2: Acropolis, Athens. Photo 3: Lady Carcas, Carcassonne. © Louise Sommer

Women have been muted and made invisible for far too long. And here in Australia, where I live, women are literally invisible after the age of 45. What a sad waste of wisdom, mature leadership and life experiences that are so needed and important for a healthy progressive society.

Taking back our place in history, is reclaiming our stories and understanding our cultural and social heritage. And this, dear reader, is what will restore the connection to our innate spirituality (sacred feminine) which I write about The Hidden Camino. This is why I am so passionate about teaching blogging and creative storytelling. In doing this, I offer women (and all soulful storytellers) an independent platform to raise their voices and cultivate a more balanced world. I want women to facilitate the many difficult conversations that provide a narrative of wisdom, depth, honesty and complexity. When we educate and broaden our narratives, we educate and change the world for the better.

Malta. Photo by Louise Sommer

Now looking back almost 25 years to when I started my herstory research, I can happily say, so much has changed. Together with herstory (female) led groups worldwide are now taking back their history and their voices. We are now creating a collective space where we can explore new and more meaningful ways to live and connect. All which are giving birth to an abundance of inspiring and insightful conversations. A new global revolution of healed voices and soulful storytelling has begun!

The Sacred Feminine was born out of the herstory movement and it is now time for us to call home all the wise Crones and enable them to take their rightful place in society. It is time for them to play their drums, to raise their voices and guide us into a peaceful and sustainable future.

I too, have spent a lifetime healing my own story and voice. This is also why I am so good at helping and guiding people on their own journey as a creative storyteller, blogger and voice, in this world. As I recently started my journey into the mystery of menopause, all fear suddenly evaporated within me and my role became so clear. Having run more than a hundred workshops and events over the last seven years I needed some time for myself; this I found, and still find, in the stillness of nature. Silently, I sat listening to the voice of the Earth and the songs of the stars. She embraced me once again. Home. I was finally coming home.

As an Educational Psychologist, writer, researcher and a woman on her own spiritual journey, I have over a lifetime cultivated a sacred space, where the Crone women, and all soulful storytellers, can find, explore and cultivate their own true voices. A space, where we can find home - inside ourselves and out in the world. In this sacred space, we can embrace our soul stories and learn how to take these conversations out into the world and create a positive and peaceful change - for all of us. Via our businesses, our art, stories and as active participants of the new times. To you, I say:

Rise Crone, beat your drum

Come, soulful storytellers

rise like the phoenix from the ashes

let the winds spread your songs of life

dance your wisdom into the Earth

remind us of the magic of the Stars

help us remember,

the journey


Welcome sister, welcome all, to the soulful journey HOME to Connectedness and Inspiration.

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You can learn more about the Sacred Feminine, Women in history and Mary Magdalene by using the links below: